A bit extra for the funny bone -o*
Erm - no, baby *o* J. Edgar Hoover would probably not have allowed any of HIS G-men to look like
that *O* ... although - you are so charming you might have been able to persuade him it was necessary so you'ld go undercover
- tshee-hee-hee *O*
Or double for Antonio Banderas when he hasn't got the time to play Zorro-ho-ho-ho *O*
And no, Jackie - I'm definitely NOT afraid of you !!!
I'm a hen - not stupid *o*
Cluck, the sweet boy's mine *O* ... but of course ONLY in my ima - in silly imagination
!!! In REALITY Johnny Depp is free - his own person free to give himself to anybody he wants *o* IF he wants *O*
SWEETS: Yeah, sweetie chuck *o* But this is ME - not Depp - so I am Meepsie's *O* *kicks
heart over so the hen catches it* There's MY heart, pet *O*
Oh - cluck ... YEAH *O*
Yes, my dear people - those SILLY big letters above are yet another -
the final - missing? - link -o*